A Brief History of the Virtual Nation
The Internet and The WWW The Virtual Nation
Late 1950's
  • ARPA founded 
Man discovers a new frontier.
  • Computer usage in military and world 
  • 1969 - Birth of Internet - ARPANET links 4 universities, UCLA, SRI, UCSB and U. of Utah 
The new frontier is explored by a few brave souls. 
  • ARPANET - 1st international connections between England and Norway 
  • 1979 - Usenet established 
More explorers venture into the new world.
  • TCP/IP, DNS established 
  • 1988 - IRC (Internet Relay Chat) developed 
  • 1989 The Web conceived - "Information Management: A Proposal" by Tim Berners-Lee
Transportation to the new world is improved - you can now get there more quickly, and it is more accessible - much like sailing ships helped colonize unsettled countries.
  • Commercial Internet Exchange (CIX) 
  • 1991 WWW released by CERN 
  • National Information Infrastructure (NII) 
  • 1994 Netscape launched 
  • 1997 - 19.5 million hosts, 1 million WWW sites, 71,618 newsgroups
Everyone with the means can now travel to this new world. As with the commercialization of airlines, people can now travel to and around the Internet cheaply and quickly.
Source: www.bbn.com/roles/researcher/timeline/www.w3.org/WWW/


"The Web is not synonymous with the Internet, though some people may think so. Actually, the web is one way to utilize the infrastructure of the Internet. In other words, the Web is an application of the Internet."

Source: wdvl.com/Authoring/HTML/Tutorial/history.html

Total domains registered worldwide 5,334,511

Number of .com domains 3,008,941

Updated - Saturday April 4, 1999 07:24:26 PM

Source: www.domainstats.com