Check out the sunflowers! Are these cool, or what?
Our first day out, we listened to Tom Clancy's Executive Orders. I highly recommend books on tape (especially Tom Clancy) for anyone planning on a long drive. It makes the time pass a lot faster and, let's be honest, there's only so many times you can hear "The Chair" by George Strait before you start looking for bell tower.
After a restful night at a KOA campground, we pushed north into Colorado and Wyoming.
The landscape became progressively more breathtaking. We spent our second night at a strange little campground setup to look like an old west town.
The campsite was overrun with kittens. Kittens to the left of me! Kittens to the right of me! I was certain that, after leaving, I'd hear a plaintive mew in under my seat from some last minute stowaway. Luckily, Cymoril did not consider them appetizing, so everyone stayed happy.
The site also had horses. Cymoril had never met a horse before - her conclusion was that they smell funny and are *way* too big to play with! :)