Warwick Castle

Cool, isn't it? Warwick Castle (located, appropriately enough, in Warwick) is most interesting because it has three distinct parts. The oldest part, built in 1046 AD (pictured below) was the coolest. The newest part is the conservatory, built in 1786.

Amanda, Adam, and I climbed to the very tippy top of the tower (whew!) and the view was fantastic! Here we are, BEFORE the climb. (not sweating yet)

Warwick castle has many interesting stories, but my personal favorite was that of the Ghost Tower. According to the story, the master of the castle was making out his will and called in his servant to witness it. The servant noticed that he was to inherit a very small sum (around 20 pounds), and, enraged at this slight, stabbed his master in a fit of rage. The surgeons of the time managed to finish off the poor man by getting his wound infected. After hearing his master had died at the hands of the doctors, the servant stabbed himself to death in a fit of remorse. Or was it? Perhaps the ghost of his master visited him, driving him to this desperate act.

After a full and exciting day, we hurried back to Flitwick for a really wonderful curry at a local Indian restaurant. A good time all around!


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